2024 Whitestone Summer Starter – Practice Information

Bulletin #1
Bulletin #2

     |  Register  |  Running Orders | Scores / ResultsFood:  D’z Meltz  |  Sponsor:  Elite Lakeshore (Boat Covers)  |

2024 Whitestone Summer Starter
Sponsored By
Elite Lakeshore
Georgia’s trusted dealer for top-quality docks and Touchless covers and lakeside accessories.
www.elitelakeshore.com 470-318-4449 info@EliteLakeShore.com

Thank you for choosing to practice for the Whitestone Summer Starter(SS)! You can choose either lake to practice.
All of rounds 1 & 2 of EL Slalom will be held on Lake 2. Rounds 1 & 2 of class C slalom will be on Lake 1. Round 3 Slalom will be on Lake 2 for all classes.
All classes of Trick and Jump will be held on Lake 1

Practice Is $15
4 passes Slalom
3 Jump
2 long passes up & down Trick

Practice is not covered under the Tournament sanction. However, Whitestone does have year round sanctioned practice. Therefore, you will need to electronically fill out and sign one of our Ski Club waivers. Please click on the appropriate waiver below.
Adult Waiver
Minor Waiver

Payment methods
Please use one of these payment methods and put SS Practice in the memo line.

PayPal: cbryans@gmail.com
Venmo: @cbryans