2024 Whitestone Summer Starter – Bulletin #2

Bulletin #1
Practice Information

     |  Register  |  Running Orders | Scores / ResultsFood:  D’z Meltz  |  Sponsor:  Elite Lakeshore (Boat Covers)  |

2024 Whitestone Summer Starter
Sponsored By
Elite Lakeshore
Georgia’s trusted dealer for top-quality docks and Touchless covers and lakeside accessories.
www.elitelakeshore.com 470-318-4449 info@EliteLakeShore.com

Sat Night Live Music

Most everyone knows Freddie Snell as a skier, but have you heard his music? This year Whitestone does not have any formal Saturday night dinner or fellowship planned. So we will have to make our own impromptu party after the skiing Saturday. We are trying to see if the food truck will stick around to sell dinner. Either way, plan to stick around awhile, BYOB, and listen to some live music.

Dock Starters Needed

If you would like to help with the tournament, we are in need of dock starters. you will only be asked to work on segments of the tournament. If you are willing to help please contact Richard Rones richardrones64@gmail.com Text (678) 296-4684

Food Truck – D’z Meltz

Click the link above

Walk out Areas

Lake 1: If you finish your skiing without falling and are skiing back to the dock, the boat will have to slow down long before you get to the dock area. If you wait to drop when the boat slows down it will be very difficult to walk out of the lake at that point. It is a very steep hill with rocks, etc. The best thing to do is drop where the boat sets you down after the 2nd pass. There is a line of buoys that marks the shallow part of the shore for the boat.
Lake 2: Pull out to the left side (not the drivers side) in the key hole and the dock end. There is an exit dock at the starting dock end of the lake to the left.

Round 3 Slalom

The 3rd round of slalom is for anyone that entered the tournament regardless of how many events you chose. The event will be run under EL conditions but you will be scored under the class that you entered the other rounds of slalom. The price is the same for everyone, $35 (What a deal for EL conditions 🙂 There will be no particular order but the dock starter may need to do some arrangements of the order.
These are the skiers that have signed up so far. If you paid the $35 and you do not see your name, please let me know.
Crenshaw, Nate – Crenshaw, Ray – Fizer, Graham – Kelley, Joy – Savula, Dave – Smith, Karalee – Terry, Greg

Residential Community

Please remember that Whitestone Lake Estates is residential, and homeowners will be coming and going needing free access to the roads. Please minimize standing and kids playing in the roadways for the safety of all.


If you are bringing your pet, please keep them on a leash and remember to pick up after them.

Whitestone Lakes Website

Learn More about living and skiing at Whitestone at our website. You can also find additional information (running orders, up-to-date results, food menu, sponsor information, etc.) on the Tournaments page of our website at

Waterski Results

Sometime tomorrow you should be able to track Running Orders on Waterski Results