Fall Tournament Canceled
Whitestone Owners:
Fall Tournament (SAC Regionals + Alumni) Canceled
Sep 28-29
Our Fall Tournament (SAC Regionals + Alumni) was canceled due to the hurricane. Whitestone’s Lakes and site held up just fine and we were ready to let the Clemson team host the tournament. However, two teams and at least 2 officials in FL could not get up here. There were 3 officials in SC that could not make it over. Some of the Atlanta officials have property damage, etc.
However, We will run the Alumni slalom portion of the tournament on Sunday. This will be run on 1 lake making the other lake available for Whitestone owners to use for ski sets all day Sunday. Please note, both lakes are available tomorrow and 1 lake will be available on Sunday for owners’ use.
Q3 Meeting
Oct 20 5:00 Pavilion.
If you have anything you would like to see on the agenda please email any or all members of the BOD. The zoom access information and agenda will follow in the coming weeks.
Budget Workshop
Nov 10, Time and place TBD
This is not a formal meeting and does not have any requirements associated with it. However, any owner can attend and if you want to see any item added to the budget or concerns about how the WLEPOA receives funds or spends those funds, you should plan to attend. It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to present a budget for the BOD to approve and send on to the Association for a majority vote. The workshop helps to get all of the ideas and interest on the table to discuss and vet out so that the BOD knows that they can consider approving a budget to go out for a vote that has some kind of consensus. If you would like to attend please let the BOD know your interest.
Annual Meeting
Dec 8, Time and place TBD
If you have anything you would like to see on the agenda please email any or all members of the BOD. The zoom access information and agenda will follow in the coming weeks.
Steve Wurtz
Brian Marciniak
Craig Bryans